帖子: 998
注册时间: 2010-09-22 18:32
来自: United Kingdom
联系: 网站

Re: TS源压制求助

-o-o-304-o-o- 写了: 这倒是,检测的未必准,不过只要DG检测大部分是film型的话,在有二次QC保障(或者pp地图炮)的情况下,直接勾上force film不需要处理就能压了吧

@LZ 昨晚搞错源了囧,您给的那个连接下载不能,麻烦能切一段然后传个115么……
就算和檢測出來的一樣確實是100%也不能輕易force film。

force film的唯一適用場合是soft telecine,這種情況下源內保存的是24p的內容加上pulldown的flag,播放時是先正常地做pulldown將內容變成五爛二,然後各個播放器再根據自己的方式做ivtc或者deint。對壓制來說,只要跳過flag不做pulldown就可以得到未動過的24p直接去壓。

但是TS很多都是hard telecine,源內容是telecine過之後按照field based壓制的30i,所以不可以通過忽視pulldown flag來省略IVTC處理。而且對TS/m2ts/vob來說,一個文件內一段soft telecine一段hard telecine再一段30i這種vfr都是允許的,所以直接force film比較不保險。

另一方面,即使不是TS而是DVDISO,由於11區的製作很混亂,有時候明明是全片soft telecine,本來應該是全progressive的幀序列內仍然有時會有一兩幀interlaced混進去,相比之下honor pulldown flag然後再過一遍IVTC對這種糞製作來說更加保險。

LZ現在的做法,個人推測是DGIndex裡選擇了force film,導致mpeg2dec出來的是24/1.001fps的,頂樓裡是經過TFM和TDecimate(mode=6)出來的完全不正確的內容,而之後修改的經過TFM+Tdecimate則變成了(24/1.001)*(4/5)=19.18fps了。正確的做法是在DGIndex裡honor pulldown flag,而在avs裡用Mpeg2dec載入之後,如果是全片film則直接TFM.TDecimate,如果是hybrid則把原來腳本裡的TDecimate(mode=6, ...)改成TDecimate(mode=5, ...)就行了。至於TFM裡的mode、clip2之類的處理僅僅影響結果質量,可以根據情況自己調整。而其他處理的畫面質量問題和本帖主題無關就不討論了。


1. 原版的QTGMC裡noise process用的是MC後的dfttest或者fft3dfilter,速度太慢了。這個mod版裡可以用QTGMC(denoiser="fft3dgpu")這樣的參數來用fft3dgpu作為MC denoiser,速度快一些。具體地說就是denoiser="dfttest"時用內置的dfttest模板(dfttest參數可省略),denoiser="fft3dfilter"時用內置的fft3dfilter模板(fft3dfilter參數可省略),denoiser="fft3dgpu"時用內置的fft3dgpu模板(fft3dgpu參數可省略)。如果denoiser的字符串不是這三種的話則使用Eval(denoiser)的方式,譬如denoiser="TTempSmoothF(strength=1)"就是用TTempSmoothF(strength=1)作為MC的denoiser核心。當然如果仍然想使用dfttest/fft3dfilter/fft3dgpu但是不想用內部模板的參數的話,也可以用denoiser="fft3dgpu(sigma=2, bt=4)"這樣的方式,反正只要字符串不是"dfttest"/"fft3dfilter"/"fft3dgpu"的話就是Eval的方式。

2. PrevGlobals模式增加一个"refine",既不需要完全重新计算,又按照当前源进行refine,准确性应该会提高很多,尤其是TDeint(mode=1, edeint=QTGMC(TR2=0), emask=TMM(1), tryWeave=True).QTGMC(TR0=0, TR1=0, InputType=1)这种极端用法…

3. 增加"EType"参数,用于指定nnedi3的etype

[syntax lang="avisynth" lines="f" filename="QTGMC-3.33mod4.avsi"]#-------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# QTGMC 3.33, by Vit, 2012 #
# #
# A high quality deinterlacer using motion-compensated temporal #
# smoothing, with a range of features for quality and convenience #
# Originally based on TempGaussMC_beta2 by Didée #
# #

# Full documentation is in the 'QTGMC' html file that comes with this script

# v3.33
# - Increased maximum value for Rep0, Rep1 and Rep2 to 7 (from 5). Higher values help with flicker on static detail, potential for minor motion blur
# - Bug fix for the fact that Bob always outputs a BFF clip regardless of field order of input (thanks ajp_anton)
# - Improved generation of noise (NoiseDeint="Generate") for noise bypass / EZKeepGrain
# - Minor change to denoising

# Input colorspaces: YV12, YUY2
# Core plugins:
# MVTools2 ( or above)
# MaskTools v2 (recommend 2.0a45 or above. Must use the 2.5 version with YUY2)
# NNEDI3 (recommend 0.9.4 or above for speed)
# RemoveGrain + Repair (several versions of this plugin, use the SSE2 dlls from the file called "RemoveGrain-1.0.rar". Don't use the SSE3 versions )
# SSE2Tools for YUY2 support (from the earlier 0.9 version of RemoveGrain, use only SSE2Tools.dll from this version. Don't use the SSE3 version)
# Additional plugins:
# NNEDI2, NNEDI, EEDI3, EEDI2, TDeInt - if selected directly or via a source-match preset
# Yadif - for Preset="Ultra Fast" or if selected directly (cannot be autoloaded, must be loaded in the calling script)
# VerticalCleaner - for SVThin or Lossless modes
# FFT3DFilter - if selected for noise processing
# dfttest - if selected for noise processing
# For FFT3DFilter & ddftest you also need the FFTW3 library (FFTW.org). On Windows the file needed for both is libfftw3f-3.dll. However, for FFT3DFilter
# the file needs to be called FFTW3.dll, so you will need two copies and rename one. On Windows put the files in your System32 or SysWow64 folder
# AddGrainC - if NoiseDeint="Generate" selected for noise bypass

# Install AviSynth and ensure you have at least the core plugins listed in the requirements section above. Put them in the plugins autoload folder.
# To use QTGMC write a script like this:
# YourSource("yourfile") # DGDecode_mpeg2source, FFVideoSource, AviSource, whatever your source requires
# QTGMC( Preset="Slow" )
# SelectEven() # Add this line to keep original frame rate, leave it out for smoother doubled frame rate
# Save this script with an ".avs" extension. You can now use it as an AVI source for encoding.
# The "Preset" used selects sensible settings for a given encoding speed. Choose a preset from:
# "Placebo", "Very Slow", "Slower", "Slow", "Medium", "Fast", "Faster", "Very Fast", "Super Fast", "Ultra Fast" & "Draft"
# The default preset is "Slower"
# Don't be obsessed with using slower settings as the differences can be small. HD material benefits little from extreme settings (and will be very slow)
# For much faster speeds read the full documentation, the section on 'Multi-threading'
# There are many settings for tweaking the script, full details in the main documentation. You can display settings currently being used with "ShowSettings":
# QTGMC( Preset="Slow", ShowSettings=true )

function QTGMC( clip Input, string "Preset", int "TR0", int "TR1", int "TR2", int "Rep0", int "Rep1", int "Rep2", string "EdiMode", bool "RepChroma", \
int "NNSize", int "NNeurons", int "EType", int "EdiQual", int "EdiMaxD", string "ChromaEdi", int "EdiThreads", clip "EdiExt", float "Sharpness", \
int "SMode", int "SLMode", int "SLRad", int "SOvs", float "SVThin", int "Sbb", int "SrchClipPP", int "SubPel", int "SubPelInterp", \
int "BlockSize", int "Overlap", int "Search", int "SearchParam", int "PelSearch", bool "ChromaMotion", bool "TrueMotion", int "Lambda", \
int "LSAD", int "PNew", int "PLevel", bool "GlobalMotion", int "DCT", int "ThSAD1", int "ThSAD2", int "ThSCD1", int "ThSCD2", \
int "SourceMatch", string "MatchPreset", string "MatchEdi", string "MatchPreset2", string "MatchEdi2", int "MatchTR2", \
float "MatchEnhance", int "Lossless", int "NoiseProcess", float "EZDenoise", float "EZKeepGrain", string "NoisePreset", string "Denoiser", \
int "DftThreads", bool "DenoiseMC", int "NoiseTR", float "Sigma", bool "ChromaNoise", val "ShowNoise", float "GrainRestore", \
float "NoiseRestore", string "NoiseDeint", bool "StabilizeNoise", int "InputType", float "ProgSADMask", int "FPSDivisor", \
int "ShutterBlur", float "ShutterAngleSrc", float "ShutterAngleOut", int "SBlurLimit", bool "Border", bool "Precise", string "Tuning", \
bool "ShowSettings", string "GlobalNames", string "PrevGlobals", int "ForceTR", \
val "BT", val "DetailRestore", val "MotionBlur", val "MBlurLimit", val "NoiseBypass" )
# The preset "Ultra Fast" & EdiMode="RepYadif"/"Yadif" require the Yadif plugin, which doesn't autoload. Typically the calling script would load it.
# To have this script load Yadif put it's full path in string below (e.g. "C:\Plugins\Yadif.dll"). Use empty string ("") if calling script will load Yadif
YadifPath = "" # Or just enter "yadif.dll" if Yadif is placed in the system path (e.g. windows\system32)

# Temporary Warnings
Assert( !defined(BT), "QTGMC: Setting BT has been replaced by setting NoiseTR" )
Assert( !defined(DetailRestore), "QTGMC: Setting DetailRestore has been renamed to GrainRestore" )
Assert( !defined(MotionBlur), "QTGMC: Setting MotionBlur has been renamed to ShutterBlur" )
Assert( !defined(MBlurLimit), "QTGMC: Setting MBlurLimit has been renamed to SBlurLimit" )
Assert( !defined(NoiseBypass), "QTGMC: Setting NoiseBypass has been renamed to NoiseProcess" )

# Presets

# Select presets / tuning
Preset = default( Preset, "Slower" )
pNum = (Preset == "Placebo" ) ? 0 : \
(Preset == "Very Slow" ) ? 1 : \
(Preset == "Slower" ) ? 2 : \
(Preset == "Slow" ) ? 3 : \
(Preset == "Medium" ) ? 4 : \
(Preset == "Fast" ) ? 5 : \
(Preset == "Faster" ) ? 6 : \
(Preset == "Very Fast" ) ? 7 : \
(Preset == "Super Fast") ? 8 : \
(Preset == "Ultra Fast") ? 9 : \
(Preset == "Draft" ) ? 10 : 11
Assert( pNum < 11, "'Preset' choice is invalid" )

mpNum1 = (!defined(MatchPreset)) ? ((pNum + 3 <= 9) ? (pNum + 3) : 9) : \
(MatchPreset == "Placebo" ) ? 0 : \
(MatchPreset == "Very Slow" ) ? 1 : \
(MatchPreset == "Slower" ) ? 2 : \
(MatchPreset == "Slow" ) ? 3 : \
(MatchPreset == "Medium" ) ? 4 : \
(MatchPreset == "Fast" ) ? 5 : \
(MatchPreset == "Faster" ) ? 6 : \
(MatchPreset == "Very Fast" ) ? 7 : \
(MatchPreset == "Super Fast") ? 8 : \
(MatchPreset == "Ultra Fast") ? 9 : \
(MatchPreset == "Draft" ) ? 10 : 11
Assert( mpNum1 < 10, "'MatchPreset' choice is invalid/unsupported" )
MatchPreset = Select( mpNum1, "Placebo", "Very Slow", "Slower", "Slow", "Medium", "Fast", "Faster", "Very Fast", "Super Fast", "Ultra Fast", "Draft" )

mpNum2 = (!defined(MatchPreset2)) ? ((mpNum1 + 2 <= 9) ? (mpNum1 + 2) : 9) : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Placebo" ) ? 0 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Very Slow" ) ? 1 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Slower" ) ? 2 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Slow" ) ? 3 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Medium" ) ? 4 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Fast" ) ? 5 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Faster" ) ? 6 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Very Fast" ) ? 7 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Super Fast") ? 8 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Ultra Fast") ? 9 : \
(MatchPreset2 == "Draft" ) ? 10 : 11
Assert( mpNum2 < 10, "'MatchPreset2' choice is invalid/unsupported" )
MatchPreset2 = Select( mpNum2, "Placebo", "Very Slow", "Slower", "Slow", "Medium", "Fast", "Faster", "Very Fast", "Super Fast", "Ultra Fast", "Draft" )

NoisePreset = default( NoisePreset, "Fast" )
npNum = (NoisePreset == "Slower" ) ? 0 : \
(NoisePreset == "Slow" ) ? 1 : \
(NoisePreset == "Medium" ) ? 2 : \
(NoisePreset == "Fast" ) ? 3 : \
(NoisePreset == "Faster" ) ? 4 : 5
Assert( npNum < 5, "'NoisePreset' choice is invalid" )

Tuning = default( Tuning, "None" )
tNum = (Tuning == "None" ) ? 0 : \
(Tuning == "DV-SD" ) ? 1 : \
(Tuning == "DV-HD" ) ? 2 : 3
Assert( tNum < 3, "'Tuning' choice is invalid" )

# Tunings only affect blocksize in this version
bs = Select( tNum, 16, 16, 32 )
bs2 = (bs >= 16) ? 32 : bs * 2

# Very Very Super Ultra
# Preset groups: Placebo Slow Slower Slow Medium Fast Faster Fast Fast Fast Draft
TR0 = default( TR0, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ) )
TR1 = default( TR1, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
TR2X = default( TR2, Select( pNum, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
Rep0 = default( Rep0, Select( pNum, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
Rep1 = default( Rep1, Select( pNum, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
Rep2 = default( Rep2, Select( pNum, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 0 ) )
EdiMode = default( EdiMode, Select( pNum, "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "RepYadif","Bob" ) )
NNSize = default( NNSize, Select( pNum, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ) )
NNeurons = default( NNeurons, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
EType = default( EType, Select( pNum, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
EdiQual = default( EdiQual, Select( pNum, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
EdiMaxD = default( EdiMaxD, Select( pNum, 12, 10, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4 ) )
SMode = default( SMode, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 ) )
SLModeX = default( SLMode, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0 ) )
SLRad = default( SLRad, Select( pNum, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
Sbb = default( Sbb, Select( pNum, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
SrchClipPP = default( SrchClipPP, Select( pNum, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0 ) )
SubPel = default( SubPel, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
Blocksize = default( Blocksize, Select( pNum, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs2, bs2, bs2, bs2, bs2 ) )
bs = Blocksize
Overlap = default( Overlap, Select( pNum, bs/2, bs/2, bs/2, bs/2, bs/2, bs/2, bs/2, bs/4, bs/4, bs/4, bs/4 ) )
Search = default( Search, Select( pNum, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0 ) )
SearchParam = default( SearchParam, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
PelSearch = default( PelSearch, Select( pNum, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
ChromaMotion = default( ChromaMotion, Select( pNum, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ) )
Precise = default( Precise, Select( pNum, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ) )
ProgSADMask = default( ProgSADMask, Select( pNum, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) )

# Noise presets Slower Slow Medium Fast Faster
Denoiser = default( Denoiser, Select( npNum, "dfttest", "dfttest", "dfttest", "fft3dgpu", "fft3dgpu" ) )
DenoiseMC = default( DenoiseMC, Select( npNum, true, true, false, false, false ) )
NoiseTR = default( NoiseTR, Select( npNum, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0 ) )
NoiseDeint = default( NoiseDeint, Select( npNum, "Generate","Bob", "", "", "" ) )
StabilizeNoise = default( StabilizeNoise, Select( npNum, true, true, true, false, false ) )

# The basic source-match step corrects and re-runs the interpolation of the input clip. So it initialy uses same interpolation settings as the main preset
SourceMatch = default( SourceMatch, 0 )
MatchNNSize = NNSize
MatchNNeurons = NNeurons
MatchEType = EType
MatchEdiMaxD = EdiMaxD
MatchEdiQual = EdiQual

# However, can use a faster initial interpolation when using source-match allowing the basic source-match step to "correct" it with higher quality settings
Assert( SourceMatch == 0 || mpNum1 >= pNum, "'MatchPreset' cannot use a slower setting than 'Preset'" )
# Very Very Super Ultra
# Basic source-match presets Placebo Slow Slower Slow Medium Fast Faster Fast Fast Fast
NNSize = (SourceMatch == 0) ? NNSize : Select( mpNum1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4 )
NNeurons = (SourceMatch == 0) ? NNeurons : Select( mpNum1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
EdiMaxD = (SourceMatch == 0) ? EdiMaxD : Select( mpNum1, 12, 10, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4 )
EdiQual = (SourceMatch == 0) ? EdiQual : Select( mpNum1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )
TempEdi = EdiMode # Main interpolation is actually done by basic-source match step when enabled, so a little swap and wriggle is needed
EdiMode = (SourceMatch == 0) ? EdiMode : default( MatchEdi, ((mpNum1 < 9) ? EdiMode : "Yadif") ) # Force Yadif for "Ultra Fast" basic source match
MatchEdi = TempEdi

# Very Very Super Ultra
# Refined source-match presets Placebo Slow Slower Slow Medium Fast Faster Fast Fast Fast
MatchEdi2 = default( MatchEdi2, Select( mpNum2, "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "NNEDI3", "TDeint", "" ) )
MatchNNSize2 = Select( mpNum2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4 )
MatchNNeurons2 = Select( mpNum2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
MatchEType2 = EType
MatchEdiMaxD2 = Select( mpNum2, 12, 10, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4 )
MatchEdiQual2 = Select( mpNum2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )

# Settings

# Core and Interpolation defaults
TR2 = (SourceMatch > 0) ? default(TR2, ((TR2X == 0) ? 1 : TR2X)) : TR2X # ***TR2 defaults always at least 1 when using source-match***
RepChroma = default( RepChroma, true )
EdiThreads = default( EdiThreads, 0 )
ChromaEdi = default( ChromaEdi, "" )
NNeurons = (EdiMode == "NNEDI2" && NNeurons > 2) ? 2 : NNeurons # Smaller range for NNeurons in NNEDI2 (which calls it nsize)
EdiQual = (EdiMode == "NNEDI3" && EdiQual > 2 ) ? 2 : EdiQual # Smaller range for EdiQual in NNEDI3
((FindStr( EdiMode, "Yadif" ) != 0 || FindStr( MatchEdi, "Yadif" ) != 0 || FindStr( MatchEdi2, "Yadif" ) != 0 ) && YadifPath != "") ? \
Load_Stdcall_Plugin( YadifPath ) : NOP() # Load Yadif as required

# Source-match / lossless defaults
MatchTR1 = TR1
MatchTR2 = default( MatchTR2, 1 )
MatchEnhance = default( MatchEnhance, 0.5 )
Lossless = default( Lossless, 0 )
Assert( Lossless <= 2, "Lossless setting only supports mode 1 ('true lossless') and mode 2 ('fake lossless') - see documentation in script and consider source-match settings" )

# Sharpness defaults. Sharpness default is always 1.0 (0.2 with source-match), but adjusted to give roughly same sharpness for all settings
SMode = (defined(Sharpness) && Sharpness == 0.0) ? 0 : SMode
SLMode = (SourceMatch > 0) ? default(SLMode, 0) : SLModeX # ***Sharpness limiting disabled by default for source-match***
SLMode = (SLRad <= 0) ? 0 : SLMode
spatialSL = (SLMode == 1 || SLMode == 3)
temporalSL = (SLMode == 2 || SLMode == 4)
Sharpness = default( Sharpness, (SMode == 0) ? 0.0 : ((SourceMatch > 0) ? 0.2 : 1.0) ) # Default sharpness is 1.0, or 0.2 if using source-match
sharpMul = (temporalSL) ? 2 : (spatialSL) ? 1.5 : 1 # Adjust sharpness based on other settings
sharpAdj = Sharpness * (sharpMul * (0.2 + TR1*0.15 + TR2*0.25) + ((SMode == 1) ? 0.1 : 0)) # [This needs a bit more refinement]
Sbb = (SMode == 0) ? 0 : Sbb
SOvs = default( SOvs, 0 )
SVThin = default( SVThin, 0.0 )

# Noise processing settings
Assert( !defined(EZDenoise) || EZDenoise <= 0.0 || !defined(EZKeepGrain) || EZKeepGrain <= 0.0, "QTGMC: EZDenoise and EZKeepGrain cannot be used together" )
NoiseProcess = defined(NoiseProcess) ? NoiseProcess : \
(defined(EZDenoise) && EZDenoise > 0.0) ? 1 : \
(defined(EZKeepGrain) && EZKeepGrain > 0.0) ? 2 : \
(Preset == "Placebo" || Preset == "Very Slow") ? 2 : 0
GrainRestore = defined(GrainRestore) ? GrainRestore : \
(defined(EZDenoise) && EZDenoise > 0.0) ? 0.0 : \
(defined(EZKeepGrain) && EZKeepGrain > 0.0) ? 0.3 * sqrt(EZKeepGrain) : \
Select( NoiseProcess, 0.0, 0.7, 0.3 )
NoiseRestore = defined(NoiseRestore) ? NoiseRestore : \
(defined(EZDenoise) && EZDenoise > 0.0) ? 0.0 : \
(defined(EZKeepGrain) && EZKeepGrain > 0.0) ? 0.1 * sqrt(EZKeepGrain) : \
Select( NoiseProcess, 0.0, 0.3, 0.1 )
Sigma = defined(Sigma) ? Sigma : \
(defined(EZDenoise) && EZDenoise > 0.0) ? EZDenoise : \
(defined(EZKeepGrain) && EZKeepGrain > 0.0) ? 4.0 * EZKeepGrain : 2.0
DftThreads = default( DftThreads, EdiThreads )
ChromaNoise = default( ChromaNoise, false )
ShowNoise = default( ShowNoise, 0.0 )
ShowNoise = IsBool( ShowNoise ) ? (ShowNoise ? 10.0 : 0.0) : ShowNoise
NoiseProcess = (ShowNoise > 0.0) ? 2 : NoiseProcess
NoiseRestore = (ShowNoise > 0.0) ? 1.0 : NoiseRestore
NoiseTR = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? 0 : NoiseTR
GrainRestore = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? 0.0 : GrainRestore
NoiseRestore = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? 0.0 : NoiseRestore
totalRestore = GrainRestore + NoiseRestore
StabilizeNoise = (totalRestore <= 0) ? false : StabilizeNoise
noiseTD = Select( NoiseTR, 1, 3, 5 )
noiseCentre = (Denoiser == "dfttest") ? "128" : "128.5"

# MVTools settings
SubPelInterp = default( SubPelInterp, 2 )
TrueMotion = default( TrueMotion, false )
GlobalMotion = default( GlobalMotion, true )
Lambda = default( Lambda, ((TrueMotion) ? 1000 : 100 ) * (BlockSize*BlockSize)/(8*8) )
LSAD = default( LSAD, (TrueMotion) ? 1200 : 400 )
PNew = default( PNew, (TrueMotion) ? 50 : 25 )
PLevel = default( PLevel, (TrueMotion) ? 1 : 0 )
DCT = default( DCT, 0 )
ThSAD1 = default( ThSAD1, 10 * 8*8 )
ThSAD2 = default( ThSAD2, 4 * 8*8 )
ThSCD1 = default( ThSCD1, 180 )
ThSCD2 = default( ThSCD2, 98 )

# Motion blur settings
FPSDivisor = default( FPSDivisor, 1 )
ShutterBlur = default( ShutterBlur, 0 )
ShutterAngleSrc = default( ShutterAngleSrc, 180 )
ShutterAngleOut = default( ShutterAngleOut, 180 )
SBlurLimit = default( SBlurLimit, 4 )
ShutterBlur = (ShutterAngleOut * FPSDivisor == ShutterAngleSrc) ? 0 : ShutterBlur # If motion blur output is same as input

# Miscellaneous
InputType = default( InputType, 0 )
Border = default( Border, false )
ShowSettings = default( ShowSettings, false )
GlobalNames = default( GlobalNames, "QTGMC" )
PrevGlobals = default( PrevGlobals, "Replace" )
ForceTR = default( ForceTR, 0 )
ReplaceGlobals = (PrevGlobals == "Replace" || PrevGlobals == "Reuse" || PrevGlobals == "Refine") # If reusing existing globals put them back afterwards - simplifies logic later
ReuseGlobals = (PrevGlobals == "Reuse")
RefineGlobals = (PrevGlobals == "Refine")
GetGlobals = (ReuseGlobals || RefineGlobals)
ProgSADMask = (InputType != 2 && InputType != 3) ? 0.0 : ProgSADMask
rgBlur = (Precise) ? 11 : 12

# Get maximum temporal radius needed
maxTR = (temporalSL) ? SLRad : 0
maxTR = (MatchTR2 > maxTR) ? MatchTR2 : maxTR
maxTR = (TR1 > maxTR) ? TR1 : maxTR
maxTR = (TR2 > maxTR) ? TR2 : maxTR
maxTR = (NoiseTR > maxTR) ? NoiseTR : maxTR
maxTR = (ProgSADMask > 0.0 || StabilizeNoise || ShutterBlur > 0) ? (maxTR > 1 ? maxTR : 1) : maxTR
maxTR = (ForceTR > MaxTR) ? ForceTR : maxTR

# Pre-Processing

w = Input.Width()
h = Input.Height()
yuy2 = Input.IsYUY2()
epsilon = 0.0001

# Reverse "field" dominance for progressive repair mode 3 (only difference from mode 2)
compl = (InputType == 3) ? Input.ComplementParity() : Input

# Pad vertically during processing (to prevent artefacts at top & bottom edges)
clip = (Border) ? compl.PointResize( w,h+8, 0,-4,0,h+8+epsilon ) : compl
h = (Border) ? h+8 : h

# Calculate padding needed for MVTools super clips to avoid crashes [fixed in latest MVTools, but keeping this code for a while]
hpad = w - (Int((w - Overlap) / (Blocksize - Overlap)) * (Blocksize - Overlap) + Overlap)
vpad = h - (Int((h - Overlap) / (Blocksize - Overlap)) * (Blocksize - Overlap) + Overlap)
hpad = (hpad > 8) ? hpad : 8 # But match default padding if possible
vpad = (vpad > 8) ? vpad : 8

# Motion Analysis

# >>> Planar YUY2 for motion analysis, interleaved whilst blurring search clip
planarClip = yuy2 ? clip.Interleaved2Planar() : clip

# Bob the input as a starting point for motion search clip
bobbed = (InputType == 0) ? planarClip.QTGMC_Bob( 0,0.5 ) : \
(InputType == 1) ? planarClip : \
planarClip.Blur( 0,1 )

# If required, get any existing global clips with a matching "GlobalNames" setting. Unmatched values get NOP (= 0)
srchClip = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchClip", ReuseGlobals )
srchSuper = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchSuper", GetGlobals )
bVec1 = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "bVec1", GetGlobals )
fVec1 = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "fVec1", GetGlobals )
bVec2 = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "bVec2", GetGlobals )
fVec2 = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "fVec2", GetGlobals )
bVec3 = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "bVec3", GetGlobals )
fVec3 = QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "fVec3", GetGlobals )

CMmt = ChromaMotion ? 3 : 1
CMts = ChromaMotion ? 255 : 0
CMrg = ChromaMotion ? 12 : -1

# The bobbed clip will shimmer due to being derived from alternating fields. Temporally smooth over the neighboring frames using a binomial kernel. Binomial
# kernels give equal weight to even and odd frames and hence average away the shimmer. The two kernels used are [1 2 1] and [1 4 6 4 1] for radius 1 and 2.
# These kernels are approximately Gaussian kernels, which work well as a prefilter before motion analysis (hence the original name for this script)
# Create linear weightings of neighbors first -2 -1 0 1 2
ts1 = (!IsClip(srchClip) && TR0 > 0) ? bobbed.TemporalSoften( 1, 255,CMts, 28, 2 ) : NOP() # 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00
ts2 = (!IsClip(srchClip) && TR0 > 1) ? bobbed.TemporalSoften( 2, 255,CMts, 28, 2 ) : NOP() # 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

# Combine linear weightings to give binomial weightings - TR0=0: (1), TR0=1: (1:2:1), TR0=2: (1:4:6:4:1)
binomial0 = IsClip(srchClip) ? NOP() : \
(TR0 == 0) ? bobbed : \
(TR0 == 1) ? (ChromaMotion ? ts1.Merge( bobbed, 0.25 ) : ts1.MergeLuma( bobbed, 0.25 )): \
(ChromaMotion ? ts1.Merge( ts2, 0.357 ).Merge( bobbed, 0.125 ) : ts1.MergeLuma( ts2, 0.357 ).MergeLuma( bobbed, 0.125 ))

# Remove areas of difference between temporal blurred motion search clip and bob that are not due to bob-shimmer - removes general motion blur
repair0 = (IsClip(srchClip) || Rep0 == 0) ? binomial0 : binomial0.QTGMC_KeepOnlyBobShimmerFixes( bobbed, Rep0, (RepChroma && ChromaMotion) )

# Blur image and soften edges to assist in motion matching of edge blocks. Blocks are matched by SAD (sum of absolute differences between blocks), but even
# a slight change in an edge from frame to frame will give a high SAD due to the higher contrast of edges
spatialBlur = (IsClip(srchClip) || SrchClipPP == 0) ? NOP() : \
(!yuy2 && SrchClipPP == 1) ? repair0.BilinearResize( w/2, h/2 ).RemoveGrain( 12,CMrg, planar=true ).BilinearResize( w, h ) : \
(!yuy2) ? repair0.RemoveGrain( 12,CMrg, planar=true ).GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=2 ) : \
repair0.RemoveGrain( 12,CMrg, planar=true ).Planar2Interleaved().GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=2 ).Interleaved2Planar()
spatialBlur = (IsClip(spatialBlur) && SrchClipPP > 1) ? (ChromaMotion ? spatialBlur.Merge( repair0, 0.1 ) : spatialBlur.MergeLuma( repair0, 0.1 )) : spatialBlur
tweaked = (!IsClip(srchClip) && SrchClipPP > 1) ? mt_lutxy( repair0, bobbed, "x 3 + y < x 3 + x 3 - y > x 3 - y ? ?", U=CMmt,V=CMmt ) : NOP()
srchClip = IsClip(srchClip) ? srchClip : \
(SrchClipPP == 0) ? repair0 : \
(SrchClipPP < 3) ? spatialBlur : \
spatialBlur.mt_lutxy( tweaked, "x 7 + y < x 2 + x 7 - y > x 2 - x 51 * y 49 * + 100 / ? ?", U=CMmt,V=CMmt )
# Calculate forward and backward motion vectors from motion search clip
srchSuper = IsClip(srchSuper) && ReuseGlobals ? srchSuper : \
(maxTR > 0) ? srchClip.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, chroma=ChromaMotion, planar=true ) : NOP()
bVec3 = IsClip(bVec3) ? RefineGlobals && (maxTR > 2) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( bVec3, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : \
bVec3 : \
(maxTR > 2) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=true, delta=3, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
bVec2 = IsClip(bVec2) ? RefineGlobals && (maxTR > 1) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( bVec2, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : \
bVec2 : \
(maxTR > 1) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=true, delta=2, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
bVec1 = IsClip(bVec1) ? RefineGlobals && (maxTR > 0) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( bVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : \
bVec1 : \
(maxTR > 0) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=true, delta=1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
fVec1 = IsClip(fVec1) ? RefineGlobals && (maxTR > 0) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : \
fVec1 : \
(maxTR > 0) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=false, delta=1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
fVec2 = IsClip(fVec2) ? RefineGlobals && (maxTR > 1) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( fVec2, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : \
fVec2 : \
(maxTR > 1) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=false, delta=2, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()
fVec3 = IsClip(fVec3) ? RefineGlobals && (maxTR > 2) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( fVec3, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : \
fVec3 : \
(maxTR > 2) ? srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=false, delta=3, blksize=BlockSize, overlap=Overlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
pelsearch=PelSearch, truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, lsad=LSAD, pnew=PNew, plevel=PLevel, \
global=GlobalMotion, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : NOP()

# Expose search clip, motion search super clip and motion vectors to calling script through globals
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchClip", srchClip, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "srchSuper", srchSuper, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "bVec1", bVec1, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "fVec1", fVec1, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "bVec2", bVec2, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "fVec2", fVec2, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "bVec3", bVec3, ReplaceGlobals )
QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( GlobalNames, "fVec3", fVec3, ReplaceGlobals )

# Noise Processing

# >>>> Interleaved YUY2 for denoising, planar whilst pre-motion compensating

# Expand fields to full frame size before extracting noise (allows use of motion vectors which are frame-sized)
fullClip = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? NOP() : \
(InputType > 0) ? clip : \
clip.QTGMC_Bob( 0,1.0 )
fullClip = (yuy2 && NoiseTR > 0) ? fullClip.Interleaved2Planar() : fullClip
fullSuper = (NoiseTR > 0) ? fullClip.MSuper( pel=SubPel, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, chroma=ChromaNoise, planar=true ) : NOP() #TEST chroma OK?

# Create a motion compensated temporal window around current frame and use to guide denoisers
noiseWindow = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? NOP() : \
(!DenoiseMC) ? fullClip : \
(NoiseTR == 0) ? fullClip : \
(NoiseTR == 1) ? Interleave( fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, fVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ), \
fullClip, \
fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, bVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) ) : \
Interleave( fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, fVec2, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ), \
fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, fVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ), \
fullClip, \
fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, bVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ), \
fullClip.MCompensate( fullSuper, bVec2, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) )
noiseWindow = (yuy2 && NoiseTR > 0) ? noiseWindow.Planar2Interleaved() : noiseWindow
dnWindow = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? NOP() : \
(Denoiser == "dfttest") ? noiseWindow.dfttest( Y=true, U=ChromaNoise, V=ChromaNoise, sigma=Sigma*4, tbsize=noiseTD, threads=DftThreads ) : \
(Denoiser == "fft3dgpu") ? noiseWindow.FFT3DGPU( plane=(ChromaNoise ? 4 : 0), sigma=Sigma, bt=noiseTD, precision=2 ) : \
(Denoiser == "fft3dfilter") ? noiseWindow.FFT3DFilter( plane=(ChromaNoise ? 4 : 0), sigma=Sigma, bt=noiseTD ) : \

# Rework denoised clip to match source format - various code paths here: discard the motion compensation window, discard doubled lines (from point resize)
# Also reweave to get interlaced noise if source was interlaced (could keep the full frame of noise, but it will be poor quality from the point resize)
denoised = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? NOP() : \
(!DenoiseMC) ? ((InputType > 0) ? dnWindow : dnWindow.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( 4, 0,3 ).Weave()) : \
(InputType > 0) ? ((NoiseTR == 0) ? dnWindow : dnWindow.SelectEvery( noiseTD, NoiseTR )) : \
dnWindow.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( noiseTD*4, NoiseTR*2,NoiseTR*6+3 ).Weave()

# >>>> Switch to planar YUY2 for noise bypass

CNmt1 = ChromaNoise ? 3 : 1
CNmt2 = ChromaNoise ? 3 : 2
CNmt128 = ChromaNoise ? 3 : -128

# Get actual noise from difference. Then 'deinterlace' where we have weaved noise - create the missing lines of noise in various ways
planarDenoised = (NoiseProcess == 0) ? NOP() : yuy2 ? denoised.Interleaved2Planar() : denoised
noise = (totalRestore > 0.0) ? mt_makediff( planarClip, planarDenoised, U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ) : NOP()
deintNoise = (NoiseProcess == 0 || totalRestore == 0.0) ? NOP() : \
(InputType != 0) ? noise : \
(NoiseDeint == "Bob") ? noise.QTGMC_Bob( 0,0.5 ) : \
(NoiseDeint == "Generate") ? noise.QTGMC_Generate2ndFieldNoise( denoised, ChromaNoise ) : \
# Motion-compensated stabilization of generated noise
noiseSuper = (StabilizeNoise) ? deintNoise.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, chroma=ChromaNoise, planar=true ) : NOP()
mcNoise = (StabilizeNoise) ? deintNoise.MCompensate( noiseSuper, bVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
finalNoise = (StabilizeNoise) ? mt_lutxy( deintNoise, mcNoise, "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > x y ? 0.6 * x y + 0.2 * +", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ) : deintNoise

# If NoiseProcess=1 denoise input clip. If NoiseProcess=2 leave noise in the clip and let the temporal blurs "denoise" it for a stronger effect
innerClip = (NoiseProcess == 1) ? denoised : clip

# Interpolation

# >>>> Interleaved YUY2 for interpolation

# Support badly deinterlaced progressive content - drop half the fields and reweave to get 1/2fps interlaced stream appropriate for QTGMC processing
ediInput = (InputType == 2 || InputType == 3) ? innerClip.SeparateFields().SelectEvery(4,0,3).Weave() : innerClip

# Create interpolated image as starting point for output
edi1 = defined(EdiExt) ? EdiExt.PointResize( w,h, 0,(EdiExt.Height()-h)/2, -0,h+epsilon ) : \
QTGMC_Interpolate( ediInput, InputType, EdiMode, NNSize, NNeurons, EType, EdiQual, EdiMaxD, EdiThreads, \
yuy2 ? clip.QTGMC_Bob( 0,0.5 ) : bobbed, ChromaEdi )

# >>>> Switch to planar YUY2 during next step - remains planar until very end of script except blurring for back blending & SVThin

# InputType=2,3: use motion mask to blend luma between original clip & reweaved clip based on ProgSADMask setting. Use chroma from original clip in any case
inputTypeBlend = (ProgSADMask > 0.0) ? MMask( srchClip, bVec1, kind=1, ml=ProgSADMask, planar=true ) : NOP()
edi = (InputType != 2 && InputType != 3) ? (!yuy2 ? edi1 : edi1.Interleaved2Planar()) :\
(ProgSADMask <= 0.0) ? (!yuy2 ? edi1.MergeChroma( innerClip ) : edi1.MergeChroma( innerClip ).Interleaved2Planar()) : \
(!yuy2 ? mt_merge( innerClip, edi1, inputTypeBlend, U=2,V=2 ) : \
mt_merge( innerClip.Interleaved2Planar(), edi1.Interleaved2Planar(), inputTypeBlend, U=2,V=2 ))

# Get the max/min value for each pixel over neighboring motion-compensated frames - used for temporal sharpness limiting
ediSuper = (TR1 > 0 || temporalSL) ? edi.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, planar=true ) : NOP()
bComp1 = (temporalSL) ? edi.MCompensate( ediSuper, bVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
fComp1 = (temporalSL) ? edi.MCompensate( ediSuper, fVec1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
tMax = (temporalSL) ? edi.mt_logic( fComp1, "max", U=3,V=3 ).mt_logic( bComp1, "max", U=3,V=3 ) : NOP()
tMin = (temporalSL) ? edi.mt_logic( fComp1, "min", U=3,V=3 ).mt_logic( bComp1, "min", U=3,V=3 ) : NOP()
bComp3 = (SLRad > 1 && temporalSL) ? edi.MCompensate( ediSuper, bVec3, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
fComp3 = (SLRad > 1 && temporalSL) ? edi.MCompensate( ediSuper, fVec3, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
tMax = (SLRad > 1 && temporalSL) ? tMax.mt_logic( fComp3, "max", U=3,V=3 ).mt_logic( bComp3, "max", U=3,V=3 ) : tMax
tMin = (SLRad > 1 && temporalSL) ? tMin.mt_logic( fComp3, "min", U=3,V=3 ).mt_logic( bComp3, "min", U=3,V=3 ) : tMin

# Create basic output

# Use motion vectors to blur interpolated image (edi) with motion-compensated previous and next frames. As above, this is done to remove shimmer from
# alternate frames so the same binomial kernels are used. However, by using motion-compensated smoothing this time we avoid motion blur. The use of
# MDegrain1 (motion compensated) rather than TemporalSmooth makes the weightings *look* different, but they evaluate to the same values
# Create linear weightings of neighbors first -2 -1 0 1 2
degrain1 = (TR1 > 0) ? edi.MDegrain1( ediSuper, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP() # 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00
degrain2 = (TR1 > 1) ? edi.MDegrain1( ediSuper, bVec2,fVec2, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP() # 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.33

# Combine linear weightings to give binomial weightings - TR1=0: (1), TR1=1: (1:2:1), TR1=2: (1:4:6:4:1)
binomial1 = (TR1 == 0) ? edi : \
(TR1 == 1) ? degrain1.Merge( edi, 0.25 ) : \
degrain1.Merge( degrain2, 0.2 ).Merge( edi, 0.0625 )

# Remove areas of difference between smoothed image and interpolated image that are not bob-shimmer fixes: repairs residual motion blur from temporal smooth
repair1 = (Rep1 == 0) ? binomial1 : binomial1.QTGMC_KeepOnlyBobShimmerFixes( edi, Rep1, RepChroma )

# Apply source match - use difference between output and source to succesively refine output [extracted to function to clarify main code path]
match = (SourceMatch == 0) ? repair1 : \
repair1.QTGMC_ApplySourceMatch( InputType, ediInput, bVec1,fVec1, bVec2,fVec2, SubPel, SubPelInterp, hpad, vpad, \
ThSAD1, ThSCD1, ThSCD2, SourceMatch, MatchTR1, MatchEdi, MatchNNSize, MatchNNeurons, MatchEType, \
MatchEdiQual, MatchEdiMaxD, MatchTR2, MatchEdi2, MatchNNSize2, MatchNNeurons2, MatchEType2, MatchEdiQual2, \
MatchEdiMaxD2, MatchEnhance, EdiThreads )

# Lossless=2 - after preparing an interpolated, de-shimmered clip, restore the original source fields into it and clean up any artefacts.
# This mode will not give a true lossless result because the resharpening and final temporal smooth are still to come, but it will add further detail.
# However, it can introduce minor combing. This setting is best used together with source-match (it's effectively the final source-match stage).
lossed1 = (Lossless == 2) ? QTGMC_MakeLossless( match, innerClip, InputType ) : match

# Resharpen / retouch output

# Resharpen to counteract temporal blurs. Little sharpening needed for source-match mode since it has already recovered sharpness from source
vresharp1 = (SMode == 2) ? Merge( lossed1.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ), lossed1.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ) ) : NOP()
vresharp = (Precise && SMode == 2) ? vresharp1.mt_lutxy( lossed1, "x y < x 1 + x y > x 1 - x ? ?", U=3,V=3 ) : vresharp1 # Precise mode: reduce tiny overshoot
resharp = (SMode == 0) ? lossed1 : \
(SMode == 1) ? lossed1.mt_lutxy( lossed1.RemoveGrain( rgBlur, planar=true ), "x x y - "+ string(sharpAdj) + " * +", U=3,V=3 ) : \
lossed1.mt_lutxy( vresharp.RemoveGrain( rgBlur, planar=true ), "x x y - "+ string(sharpAdj) + " * +", U=3,V=3 )

# Slightly thin down 1-pixel high horizontal edges that have been widened into neigboring field lines by the interpolator
SVThinSc = SVThin * 6.0
vertMedD = (SVthin > 0.0) ? mt_lutxy( lossed1, lossed1.VerticalCleaner( mode=1, modeU=-1, modeV=-1, planar=true ), "y x - " + string(SVThinSc) + " * 128 +", U=1,V=1 ) : NOP()
vertMedD = (SVthin > 0.0) ? (!yuy2 ? vertMedD.Blur( 1,0 ) : vertMedD.Planar2Interleaved().Blur( 1,0 ).Interleaved2Planar()) : NOP()
neighborD = (SVthin > 0.0) ? mt_lutxy( vertMedD, vertMedD.RemoveGrain( rgBlur,-1, planar=true ), "y 128 - abs x 128 - abs > y 128 ?" ) : NOP()
thin = (SVthin > 0.0) ? resharp.mt_adddiff( neighborD, U=2,V=2 ) : resharp

# Back blend the blurred difference between sharpened & unsharpened clip, before (1st) sharpness limiting (Sbb == 1,3). A small fidelity improvement
backBlend1 = (Sbb != 1 && Sbb != 3) ? thin : \
!yuy2 ? thin.mt_makediff( mt_makediff( thin, lossed1, U=1,V=1 ).RemoveGrain( 12, -1, planar=true ) \
.GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=5 ), U=2,V=2 ) : \
thin.mt_makediff( mt_makediff( thin, lossed1, U=1,V=1 ).RemoveGrain( 12, -1, planar=true ) \
.Planar2Interleaved().GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=5 ).Interleaved2Planar(), U=2,V=2 )

# Limit over-sharpening by clamping to neighboring (spatial or temporal) min/max values in original
# Occurs here (before final temporal smooth) if SLMode == 1,2. This location will restrict sharpness more, but any artefacts introduced will be smoothed
sharpLimit1 = (SLMode == 1) ? backBlend1.Repair( ((SLrad <= 1) ? edi : backBlend1.Repair( edi, 12, planar=true )), 1, planar=true ) : \
(SLMode == 2) ? backBlend1.mt_clamp( tMax,tMin, Sovs,Sovs, U=3,V=3 ) : \

# Back blend the blurred difference between sharpened & unsharpened clip, after (1st) sharpness limiting (Sbb == 2,3). A small fidelity improvement
backBlend2 = (Sbb < 2) ? sharpLimit1 : \
!yuy2 ? sharpLimit1.mt_makediff( mt_makediff( sharpLimit1, lossed1, U=1,V=1 ).RemoveGrain( 12, -1, planar=true ) \
.GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=5 ), U=2,V=2 ) : \
sharpLimit1.mt_makediff( mt_makediff( sharpLimit1, lossed1, U=1,V=1 ).RemoveGrain( 12, -1, planar=true ) \
.Planar2Interleaved().GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=5 ).Interleaved2Planar(), U=2,V=2 )

# Add back any extracted noise, prior to final temporal smooth - this will restore detail that was removed as "noise" without restoring the noise itself
# Average luma of FFT3DFilter extracted noise is 128.5, so deal with that too
addNoise1 = (GrainRestore <= 0.0) ? backBlend2 : \
backBlend2.mt_adddiff( finalNoise.mt_lut( "x " + noiseCentre + " - " + string(GrainRestore) + " * 128 +", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ), U=CNmt2,V=CNmt2 )

# Final light linear temporal smooth for denoising
stableSuper = (TR2 > 0) ? addNoise1.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, planar=true ) : NOP()
stable = (TR2 == 0) ? addNoise1 : \
(TR2 == 1) ? addNoise1.MDegrain1( stableSuper, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD2, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : \
(TR2 == 2) ? addNoise1.MDegrain2( stableSuper, bVec1,fVec1, bVec2,fVec2, thSAD=ThSAD2, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : \
addNoise1.MDegrain3( stableSuper, bVec1,fVec1, bVec2,fVec2, bVec3,fVec3, thSAD=ThSAD2, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true )

# Remove areas of difference between final output & basic interpolated image that are not bob-shimmer fixes: repairs motion blur caused by temporal smooth
repair2 = (Rep2 == 0) ? stable : stable.QTGMC_KeepOnlyBobShimmerFixes( edi, Rep2, RepChroma )

# Limit over-sharpening by clamping to neighboring (spatial or temporal) min/max values in original
# Occurs here (after final temporal smooth) if SLMode == 3,4. Allows more sharpening here, but more prone to introducing minor artefacts
sharpLimit2 = (SLMode == 3) ? repair2.Repair( ((SLrad <= 1) ? edi : repair2.Repair( edi, 12, planar=true )), 1, planar=true ) : \
(SLMode == 4) ? repair2.mt_clamp( tMax,tMin, Sovs,Sovs, U=3,V=3 ) : \

# Lossless=1 - inject source fields into result and clean up inevitable artefacts. Provided NoiseRestore=0.0 or 1.0, this mode will make the script result
# properly lossless, but this will retain source artefacts and cause some combing (where the smoothed deinterlace doesn't quite match the source)
lossed2 = (Lossless == 1) ? QTGMC_MakeLossless( sharpLimit2, innerClip, InputType ) : sharpLimit2

# Add back any extracted noise, after final temporal smooth. This will appear as noise/grain in the output
# Average luma of FFT3DFilter extracted noise is 128.5, so deal with that too
addNoise2 = (NoiseRestore <= 0.0) ? lossed2 : \
lossed2.mt_adddiff( finalNoise.mt_lut( "x " + noiseCentre + " - " + string(NoiseRestore) + " * 128 +", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ), U=CNmt2,V=CNmt2 )

# Post-Processing

# Shutter motion blur - get level of blur depending on output framerate and blur already in source
blurLevel = (ShutterAngleOut * FPSDivisor - ShutterAngleSrc) * 100.0 / 360.0
Assert( blurLevel >= 0, "Cannot reduce motion blur already in source: increase ShutterAngleOut or FPSDivisor" )
Assert( blurLevel <= 200, "Exceeded maximum motion blur level: decrease ShutterAngleOut or FPSDivisor" )

# ShutterBlur mode 2,3 - get finer resolution motion vectors to reduce blur "bleeding" into static areas
rBlockDivide = Select( ShutterBlur, 1, 1, 2, 4 )
rBlockSize = BlockSize / rBlockDivide
rOverlap = Overlap / rBlockDivide
rBlockSize = (rBlockSize < 4) ? 4 : rBlockSize
rOverlap = (rOverlap < 2) ? 2 : rOverlap
rBlockDivide = BlockSize / rBlockSize
rLambda = Lambda / (rBlockDivide * rBlockDivide)
sbBVec1 = (ShutterBlur > 1) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( bVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=rBlockSize, overlap=rOverlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : bVec1
sbFVec1 = (ShutterBlur > 1) ? srchSuper.MRecalculate( fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, blksize=rBlockSize, overlap=rOverlap, search=Search, searchparam=SearchParam, \
truemotion=TrueMotion, lambda=Lambda, pnew=PNew, DCT=DCT, chroma=ChromaMotion ) : fVec1

# Shutter motion blur - use MFlowBlur to blur along motion vectors
sblurSuper = (ShutterBlur > 0) ? addNoise2.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, planar=true ) : NOP()
sblur = (ShutterBlur > 0) ? addNoise2.MFlowBlur( sblurSuper, sbBVec1, sbFVec1, blur=blurLevel, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()

# Shutter motion blur - use motion mask to reduce blurring in areas of low motion - also helps reduce blur "bleeding" into static areas, then select blur type
sbMotionMask = (ShutterBlur > 0 && SBlurLimit > 0) ? MMask( srchClip, bVec1, kind=0, ml=SBlurLimit, planar=true ) : NOP()
sblurred = (ShutterBlur == 0) ? addNoise2 : \
(SBlurLimit == 0) ? sblur : \
mt_merge( addNoise2, sblur, sbMotionMask, U=3,V=3 )
# Reduce frame rate
decimated = (FPSDivisor != 1) ? sblurred.SelectEvery( FPSDivisor, 0 ) : sblurred

# Crop off temporary vertical padding
cropped = Border ? decimated.Crop( 0, 4, -0, -4 ) : decimated
h = Border ? h-8 : h

# Show output of choice + settings
# >>>> Restore YUY2 to interleaved
output = (ShowNoise == 0.0) ? cropped : finalNoise.mt_lut( "x 128 - " + string(ShowNoise) + " * 128 +", U=CNmt128,V=CNmt128 )
output = yuy2 ? output.Planar2Interleaved() : output
return (ShowSettings == false) ? output : \
output.Subtitle( "TR0=" + string(TR0) + " | TR1=" + string(TR1) + " | TR2=" + string(TR2) + " | Rep0=" + string(Rep0) + " | Rep1=" + string(Rep1) + \
" | Rep2=" + string(Rep2) + " | RepChroma=" + string(RepChroma) + "\nEdiMode='" + EdiMode + "' | NNSize=" + string(NNSize) + " | NNeurons=" + \
string(NNeurons) + " | EdiQual=" + string(EdiQual) + " | EdiMaxD=" + string(EdiMaxD) + " | ChromaEdi='" + ChromaEdi + "' | EdiThreads=" + \
string(EdiThreads) + "\nSharpness=" + string(Sharpness, "%.2f") + " | SMode=" + string(SMode) + " | SLMode=" + string(SLMode) + " | SLRad=" + \
string(SLRad) + " | SOvs=" + string(SOvs) + " | SVThin=" + string(SVThin, "%.2f") + " | Sbb=" + string(Sbb) + "\nSrchClipPP=" + string(SrchClipPP) + \
" | SubPel=" + string(SubPel) + " | SubPelInterp=" + string(SubPelInterp) + " | BlockSize=" + string(BlockSize) + " | Overlap=" + string(Overlap) + \
"\nSearch=" + string(Search) + " | SearchParam=" + string(SearchParam) + " | PelSearch=" + string(PelSearch) + " | ChromaMotion=" + \
string(ChromaMotion) + " | TrueMotion=" + string(TrueMotion) + "\nLambda=" + string(Lambda) + " | LSAD=" + string(LSAD) + " | PNew=" + string(PNew) + \
" | PLevel=" + string(PLevel) + " | GlobalMotion=" + string(GlobalMotion) + " | DCT=" + string(DCT) + "\nThSAD1=" + string(ThSAD1) + " | ThSAD2=" + \
string(ThSAD2) + " | ThSCD1=" + string(ThSCD1) + " | ThSCD2=" + string(ThSCD2) + "\nSourceMatch=" + string(SourceMatch) + " | MatchPreset='" + \
MatchPreset + "' | MatchEdi='" + MatchEdi + "'\nMatchPreset2='" + MatchPreset2 + "' | MatchEdi2='" + MatchEdi2 + "' | MatchTR2=" + string(MatchTR2) + \
" | MatchEnhance=" + string(MatchEnhance, "%.2f") + " | Lossless=" + string(Lossless) + "\nNoiseProcess=" + string(NoiseProcess) + " | Denoiser='" + \
Denoiser + "' | DftThreads=" + string(DftThreads) + " | DenoiseMC=" + string(DenoiseMC) + " | NoiseTR=" + string(NoiseTR) + " | Sigma=" + \
string(Sigma, "%.2f") + "\nChromaNoise=" + string(ChromaNoise) + " | ShowNoise=" + string(ShowNoise, "%.2f") + " | GrainRestore=" + \
string(GrainRestore, "%.2f") + " | NoiseRestore=" + string(NoiseRestore, "%.2f") + "\nNoiseDeint='" + NoiseDeint + "' | StabilizeNoise=" + \
string(StabilizeNoise) + " | InputType=" + string(InputType) + " | ProgSADMask=" + string(ProgSADMask, "%.2f") + "\nFPSDivisor=" + \
string(FPSDivisor) + " | ShutterBlur=" + string(ShutterBlur) + " | ShutterAngleSrc=" + string(ShutterAngleSrc, "%.2f") + " | ShutterAngleOut=" + \
string(ShutterAngleOut, "%.2f") + " | SBlurLimit=" + string(SBlurLimit) + "\nBorder=" + string(Border) + " | Precise=" + string(Precise) + \
"\nPreset='" + Preset + "' | Tuning='" + Tuning + "' | GlobalNames='" + GlobalNames + "' | PrevGlobals='" + PrevGlobals + "' | ForceTR=" + \
string(ForceTR), font="Lucida Console", size=11, lsp=12 )

# Helpers

# Same as Bob, but keeps the field order the same.
function QTGMC_Bob( clip, float "b", float "c", float "height" )
(clip.GetParity()) ? clip.Bob( b,c, height ).AssumeTFF() : \
clip.Bob( b,c, height ).AssumeBFF()

# Interpolate input clip using method given in EdiMode. Use Fallback or Bob as result if mode not in list. If ChromaEdi string if set then interpolate chroma
# separately with that method (only really useful for EEDIx). The function is used as main algorithm starting point and for first two source-match stages
function QTGMC_Interpolate( clip Input, int InputType, string EdiMode, int NNSize, int NNeurons, int EType, int EdiQual, int EdiMaxD, int EdiThreads, clip "Fallback", \
string "ChromaEdi" )
# >>>> YUY2 is interleaved here

ChromaEdi = default( ChromaEdi, "" )
CEed = (ChromaEdi == "")

interp = (InputType == 1) ? Input : \
(EdiMode == "NNEDI3") ? Input.NNEDI3( field=-2, nsize=NNSize, nns=NNeurons, etype=EType, qual=EdiQual, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed ) : \
(EdiMode == "NNEDI2") ? Input.NNEDI2( field=-2, nsize=NNeurons, qual=EdiQual, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed ) : \
(EdiMode == "NNEDI") ? Input.NNEDI( field=-2, U=CEed,V=CEed ) : \
(EdiMode == "EEDI3+NNEDI3") ? Input.EEDI3( field=-2, mdis=EdiMaxD, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed, \
sclip=Input.NNEDI3( field=-2, nsize=NNSize, nns=NNeurons, etype=EType, qual=EdiQual, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed ) ) : \
(EdiMode == "EEDI3_SS") ? Input.EEDI3( field=-2, mdis=EdiMaxD, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed, \
sclip=Input.NNEDI3( field=-2, nsize=NNSize, nns=NNeurons, etype=EType, qual=EdiQual, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed ).EEDI3_rpow2(rfactor=2, cshift="Spline64Resize").EEDI3().Spline64Resize(Input.width, Input.height) ) : \
(EdiMode == "EEDI3") ? Input.EEDI3( field=-2, mdis=EdiMaxD, threads=EdiThreads, U=CEed,V=CEed ) : \
(EdiMode == "EEDI2") ? Input.SeparateFields().EEDI2( field=-2, maxd=EdiMaxD ) : \
(EdiMode == "Yadif") ? Input.Yadif( mode=3 ) : \
(EdiMode == "TDeint") ? Input.TDeInt( mode=1 ) : \
(EdiMode == "RepYadif") ? Repair( Input.Yadif( mode=3 ), default( Fallback, Input.QTGMC_Bob( 0,0.5 ) ), 2, 0 ) : \
default( Fallback, Input.QTGMC_Bob( 0,0.5 ) )

interpuv = (InputType == 1) ? NOP() : \
(ChromaEdi == "NNEDI3") ? Input.NNEDI3( field=-2, nsize=4, nns=0, etype=EType, qual=1, threads=EdiThreads, Y=false ) : \
(ChromaEdi == "Yadif") ? Input.Yadif( mode=3 ) : \
(ChromaEdi == "Bob") ? Input.QTGMC_Bob( 0,0.5 ) : \

return (!IsClip(interpuv)) ? interp : interp.MergeChroma( interpuv )

# Functions (from original TGMC) used instead of mt_xxflate with similar operation but a somewhat stronger result. Originally added for speed, they are
# no longer faster due to improvements in masktools. Difference (visual and speed) is small so may be reverted in a later version.
function QTGMC_inflate( clip c, int "Y", int "U", int "V" )
# >>>> YUY2 is planar here
mtY =default( Y, 3 )
mtU =default( U, 1 )
mtV =default( V, 1 )
rgY = (mtY == 3) ? 20 : -1
rgU = (mtU == 3) ? 20 : -1
rgV = (mtV == 3) ? 20 : -1
mt_logic( c, c.RemoveGrain( rgY, rgU, rgV, planar=true ), "max", Y=mtY,U=mtU,V=mtV )

function QTGMC_deflate( clip c, int "Y", int "U", int "V" )
# >>>> YUY2 is planar here
mtY =default( Y, 3 )
mtU =default( U, 1 )
mtV =default( V, 1 )
rgY = (mtY == 3) ? 20 : -1
rgU = (mtU == 3) ? 20 : -1
rgV = (mtV == 3) ? 20 : -1
mt_logic( c, c.RemoveGrain( rgY, rgU, rgV, planar=true ), "min", Y=mtY,U=mtU,V=mtV )

# Helper function: Compare processed clip with reference clip: only allow thin, horizontal areas of difference, i.e. bob shimmer fixes
# Rough algorithm: Get difference, deflate vertically by a couple of pixels or so, then inflate again. Thin regions will be removed
# by this process. Restore remaining areas of difference back to as they were in reference clip.
function QTGMC_KeepOnlyBobShimmerFixes( clip Input, clip Ref, int Rep, bool Chroma )
# >>>> YUY2 is planar here

# ed is the erosion distance - how much to deflate then reflate to remove thin areas of interest: 0 = minimum to 6 = maximum
# od is over-dilation level - extra inflation to ensure areas to restore back are fully caught: 0 = none to 3 = one full pixel
# If Rep < 10, then ed = Rep and od = 0, otherwise ed = 10s digit and od = 1s digit (nasty method, but kept for compatibility with original TGMC)
Rep = default( Rep, 1 )
Chroma = default( Chroma, true )
ed = (Rep < 10) ? Rep : Rep / 10
od = (Rep < 10) ? 0 : Rep % 10
RCrg = Chroma ? 3 : 1
RCrgo = Chroma ? 3 : 2

diff = mt_makediff( Ref, Input, U=3,V=3 )

# Areas of positive difference # ed = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
choke1 = diff. mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) # x x x x x x x x 1 pixel \
choke1 = (ed > 2) ? choke1.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke1 # . . . x x x x x 1 pixel | Deflate to remove thin areas
choke1 = (ed > 5) ? choke1.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke1 # . . . . . . x x 1 pixel /
choke1 = (ed % 3 != 0) ? choke1.QTGMC_deflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke1 # . x x . x x . x A bit more deflate & some horizonal effect
choke1 = (ed == 2 || ed == 5) ? choke1.RemoveGrain( 4, planar=true ) : choke1 # . . x . . x . . Local median

choke1 = choke1.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) # x x x x x x x x 1 pixel \
choke1 = (ed > 1) ? choke1.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke1 # . . x x x x x x 1 pixel | Reflate again
choke1 = (ed > 4) ? choke1.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke1 # . . . . . x x x 1 pixel /

# Over-dilation - extra reflation up to about 1 pixel
choke1 = (od == 0) ? choke1 : \
(od == 1) ? choke1.QTGMC_inflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : \
(od == 2) ? choke1.QTGMC_inflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ).QTGMC_inflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : \
choke1.mt_expand( U=RCrg,V=RCrg )

# Areas of negative difference (similar to above)
choke2 = diff. mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg )
choke2 = (ed > 2) ? choke2.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke2
choke2 = (ed > 5) ? choke2.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke2
choke2 = (ed % 3 != 0) ? choke2.QTGMC_inflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke2
choke2 = (ed == 2 || ed == 5) ? choke2.RemoveGrain( 4, planar=true ) : choke2
choke2 = choke2.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg )
choke2 = (ed > 1) ? choke2.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke2
choke2 = (ed > 4) ? choke2.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : choke2
choke2 = (od == 0) ? choke2 : \
(od == 1) ? choke2.QTGMC_deflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : \
(od == 2) ? choke2.QTGMC_deflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ).QTGMC_deflate( U=RCrg,V=RCrg ) : \
choke2.mt_inpand( U=RCrg,V=RCrg )

# Combine above areas to find those areas of difference to restore
restore = diff.mt_lutxy( choke1, "x 129 < x y 128 < 128 y ? ?", U=RCrg,V=RCrg ).mt_lutxy( choke2, "x 127 > x y 128 > 128 y ? ?", U=RCrg,V=RCrg )

return Input.mt_adddiff( restore, U=RCrgo,V=RCrgo )

# Given noise extracted from an interlaced source (i.e. the noise is interlaced), generate "progressive" noise with a new "field" of noise injected. The new
# noise is centered on a weighted local average and uses the difference between local min & max as an estimate of local variance
# YUY2 clip input is planar, but must pass interleaved version of clip to setup noise
function QTGMC_Generate2ndFieldNoise( clip Input, clip InterleavedClip, bool "ChromaNoise" )
# >>>> YUY2 is planar here. Noise is generated (AddGrainC) interleaved, but immediately made planar
ChromaNoise = default( ChromaNoise, false )
CNmt1 = ChromaNoise ? 3 : 1
origNoise = Input.SeparateFields()
noiseMax = origNoise.mt_expand( mode="square", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ).mt_expand( mode="horizontal", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 )
noiseMin = origNoise.mt_inpand( mode="square", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ).mt_inpand( mode="horizontal", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 )
random = BlankClip( InterleavedClip.SeparateFields(), color_yuv=$808080 ).AddGrainC( var=1800, uvar=ChromaNoise ? 1800 : 0 )
random = InterleavedClip.IsYUY2() ? random.Interleaved2Planar() : random
varRandom = mt_makediff( noiseMax, noiseMin, U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 ).mt_lutxy( random, "x 128 - y * 256 / 128 +", U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1)
newNoise = noiseMin.mt_adddiff( varRandom, U=CNmt1,V=CNmt1 )
return Interleave( origNoise, newNoise ).Weave()

# Insert the source lines into the result to create a true lossless output. However, the other lines in the result have had considerable processing and won't
# exactly match source lines. There will be some slight residual combing. Use vertical medians to clean a little of this away
function QTGMC_MakeLossless( clip Input, clip Source, int InputType )
Assert( InputType != 1, "Lossless modes are incompatible with InputType=1" )

# >>>> YUY2: 'Input' is planar, 'Source' is interleaved (changed to planar here for processing) - returns planar result

# Weave the source fields and the "new" fields that have generated in the input
srcFields1 = (InputType == 0) ? Source.SeparateFields() : Source.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( 4, 0,3 )
srcFields = Source.IsYUY2() ? srcFields1.Interleaved2Planar() : srcFields1
newFields = Input.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( 4, 1,2 )
processed = Interleave( srcFields, newFields ).SelectEvery(4, 0,1,3,2 ).Weave()

# Clean some of the artefacts caused by the above - creating a second version of the "new" fields
vertMedian = processed.VerticalCleaner( mode=1, planar=true )
vertMedDiff = mt_makediff( processed, vertMedian, U=3,V=3 )
vmNewDiff1 = vertMedDiff.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( 4, 1,2 )
vmNewDiff2 = vmNewDiff1.VerticalCleaner( mode=1, planar=true ).mt_lutxy( vmNewDiff1, "x 128 - y 128 - * 0 < 128 x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ? ?", U=3,V=3 )
vmNewDiff3 = vmNewDiff2.Repair( vmNewDiff2.RemoveGrain( 2, planar=true ), 1, planar=true )

# Reweave final result
return Interleave( srcFields, newFields.mt_makediff( vmNewDiff3, U=3,V=3 )).SelectEvery( 4, 0,1,3,2 ).Weave()

# Source-match, a three stage process that takes the difference between deinterlaced input and the original interlaced source, to shift the input more towards
# the source without introducing shimmer. All other arguments defined in main script
function QTGMC_ApplySourceMatch( clip Deinterlace, int InputType, val Source, val bVec1, val fVec1, val bVec2, val fVec2, \
int SubPel, int SubPelInterp, int hpad, int vpad, int ThSAD1, int ThSCD1, int ThSCD2, int SourceMatch, \
int MatchTR1, string MatchEdi, int MatchNNSize, int MatchNNeurons, int MatchEType, int MatchEdiQual, int MatchEdiMaxD,\
int MatchTR2, string MatchEdi2, int MatchNNSize2, int MatchNNeurons2, int MatchEType2, int MatchEdiQual2, int MatchEdiMaxD2, \
float MatchEnhance, int EdiThreads )
# >>>> YUY2: 'Deinterlace' is planar, 'Source' is interleaved (changed to planar here for all processing except interpolation) - returns planar result
yuy2 = Source.IsYUY2()
Source = yuy2 ? Source.Interleaved2Planar() : Source

# Basic source-match. Find difference between source clip & equivalent fields in interpolated/smoothed clip (called the "error" in formula below). Ideally
# there should be no difference, we want the fields in the output to be as close as possible to the source whilst remaining shimmer-free. So adjust the
# *source* in such a way that smoothing it will give a result closer to the unadjusted source. Then rerun the interpolation (edi) and binomial smooth with
# this new source. Result will still be shimmer-free and closer to the original source.
# Formula used for correction is P0' = P0 + (P0-P1)/(k+S(1-k)), where P0 is original image, P1 is the 1st attempt at interpolation/smoothing , P0' is the
# revised image to use as new source for interpolation/smoothing, k is the weighting given to the current frame in the smooth, and S is a factor indicating
# "temporal similarity" of the error from frame to frame, i.e. S = average over all pixels of [neighbor frame error / current frame error] . Decreasing
# S will make the result sharper, sensible range is about -0.25 to 1.0. Empirically, S=0.5 is effective [will do deeper analysis later]
errorTemporalSimilarity = 0.5 # S in formula described above
errorAdjust1 = Select( MatchTR1, 1.0, 2.0 / (1.0 + errorTemporalSimilarity), 8.0 / (3.0 + 5.0 * errorTemporalSimilarity) )
match1Clip = (SourceMatch < 1 || InputType == 1) ? Deinterlace : Deinterlace.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( 4, 0,3 ).Weave()
match1Update = (SourceMatch < 1 || MatchTR1 == 0) \
? Source : mt_lutxy( Source, match1Clip, "x " + string(errorAdjust1 + 1) + " * y " + string(errorAdjust1) + " * -", U=3,V=3 )
match1Edi = (SourceMatch == 0) ? NOP() : \
!yuy2 ? match1Update.QTGMC_Interpolate( InputType, MatchEdi, MatchNNSize, MatchNNeurons, MatchEType, MatchEdiQual, MatchEdiMaxD, EdiThreads ) : \
match1Update.Planar2Interleaved() \
.QTGMC_Interpolate( InputType, MatchEdi, MatchNNSize, MatchNNeurons, MatchEType, MatchEdiQual, MatchEdiMaxD, EdiThreads ) \
match1Super = (SourceMatch > 0 && MatchTR1 > 0) ? match1Edi.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, planar=true ) : NOP()
match1Degrain1 = (SourceMatch > 0 && MatchTR1 > 0) ? match1Edi.MDegrain1( match1Super, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
match1Degrain2 = (SourceMatch > 0 && MatchTR1 > 1) ? match1Edi.MDegrain1( match1Super, bVec2,fVec2, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
match1 = (SourceMatch < 1) ? Deinterlace : \
(MatchTR1 == 0) ? match1Edi : \
(MatchTR1 == 1) ? match1Degrain1.Merge( match1Edi, 0.25 ) : \
match1Degrain1.Merge( match1Degrain2, 0.2 ).Merge( match1Edi, 0.0625 )

# Enhance effect of source-match stages 2 & 3 by sharpening clip prior to refinement (source-match tends to underestimate so this will leave result sharper)
match1Shp = (SourceMatch > 1 && MatchEnhance > 0.0) ? match1.mt_lutxy( match1.RemoveGrain( 12, planar=true ), "x x y - "+ string(MatchEnhance) + " * +", U=3,V=3 ) : match1

# Source-match refinement. Find difference between source clip & equivalent fields in (updated) interpolated/smoothed clip. Interpolate & binomially smooth
# this difference then add it back to output. Helps restore differences that the basic match missed. However, as this pass works on a difference rather than
# the source image it can be prone to occasional artefacts (difference images are not ideal for interpolation). In fact a lower quality interpolation such
# as a simple bob often performs nearly as well as advanced, slower methods (e.g. NNEDI3)
match2Clip = (SourceMatch < 2 || InputType == 1) ? match1Shp : match1Shp.SeparateFields().SelectEvery( 4, 0,3 ).Weave()
match2Diff = (SourceMatch > 1) ? mt_makediff( Source, match2Clip, U=3,V=3 ) : NOP()
match2Edi = (SourceMatch <= 1) ? NOP() : \
!yuy2 ? match2Diff.QTGMC_Interpolate( InputType, MatchEdi2, MatchNNSize2, MatchNNeurons2, MatchEType2, MatchEdiQual2, MatchEdiMaxD2, EdiThreads ) : \
match2Diff.Planar2Interleaved() \
.QTGMC_Interpolate( InputType, MatchEdi2, MatchNNSize2, MatchNNeurons2, MatchEType2, MatchEdiQual2, MatchEdiMaxD2, EdiThreads ) \
match2Super = (SourceMatch > 1 && MatchTR2 > 0) ? match2Edi.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, planar=true ) : NOP()
match2Degrain1 = (SourceMatch > 1 && MatchTR2 > 0) ? match2Edi.MDegrain1( match2Super, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
match2Degrain2 = (SourceMatch > 1 && MatchTR2 > 1) ? match2Edi.MDegrain1( match2Super, bVec2,fVec2, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
match2 = (SourceMatch < 2) ? match1 : \
(MatchTR2 == 0) ? match2Edi : \
(MatchTR2 == 1) ? match2Degrain1.Merge( match2Edi, 0.25 ) : \
match2Degrain1.Merge( match2Degrain2, 0.2 ).Merge( match2Edi, 0.0625 )

# Source-match second refinement - correct error introduced in the refined difference by temporal smoothing. Similar to error correction from basic step
errorAdjust2 = Select( MatchTR2, 1.0, 2.0 / (1.0 + errorTemporalSimilarity), 8.0 / (3.0 + 5.0 * errorTemporalSimilarity) )
match3Update = (SourceMatch < 3 || MatchTR2 == 0) \
? match2Edi : mt_lutxy( match2Edi, match2, "x " + string(errorAdjust2 + 1) + " * y " + string(errorAdjust2) + " * -", U=3,V=3 )
match3Super = (SourceMatch > 2 && MatchTR2 > 0) ? match3Update.MSuper( pel=SubPel, sharp=SubPelInterp, levels=1, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, planar=true ) : NOP()
match3Degrain1 = (SourceMatch > 2 && MatchTR2 > 0) ? match3Update.MDegrain1( match3Super, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
match3Degrain2 = (SourceMatch > 2 && MatchTR2 > 1) ? match3Update.MDegrain1( match3Super, bVec2,fVec2, thSAD=ThSAD1, thSCD1=ThSCD1,thSCD2=ThSCD2, planar=true ) : NOP()
match3 = (SourceMatch < 3) ? match2 : \
(MatchTR2 == 0) ? match3Update : \
(MatchTR2 == 1) ? match3Degrain1.Merge( match3Update, 0.25 ) : \
match3Degrain1.Merge( match3Degrain2, 0.2 ).Merge( match3Update, 0.0625 )

# Apply difference calculated in source-match refinement
return (SourceMatch < 2) ? match1 : match1Shp.mt_adddiff( match3, U=3,V=3 )

# Set global variable called "Prefix_Name" to "Value". Throws exception if global already exists unless Replace=true, in which case the global is overwritten
function QTGMC_SetUserGlobal( string Prefix, string Name, val Value, bool "Replace" )
Replace = default( Replace, false )
globalName = Prefix + "_" + Name

# Tricky logic to check global: enter catch block if Replace=true *or* globalName doesn't exist (i.e. need to set the global), the exception is not rethrown
# Not entering catch block means that Replace=false and global exists - so it throws an exception back to AviSynth
try { Assert( !Replace && defined(Eval(globalName)) ) }
catch (e)
Eval( "global " + globalName + " = Value" )
Replace = true
Assert( Replace, """Multiple calls to QTGMC, set PrevGlobals="Replace" or read documentation on 'Multiple QTGMC Calls'""" )

# Return value of global variable called "Prefix_Name". Returns NOP() if it doesn't exist or Reuse is false
function QTGMC_GetUserGlobal( string Prefix, string Name, bool "Reuse" )
Reuse = default( Reuse, false )
globalName = Prefix + "_" + Name

try { ret = Reuse ? Eval( globalName ) : NOP() }
catch (e) { ret = NOP() }
return ret
上次由 06_taro 在 2013-02-06 0:01,总共编辑 1 次。

I, personally, for me, believe (obviously sometimes) that my OS choice is right. That's me. I'm not telling you that you should believe it. Learn the facts, and the origins behind the facts, and make up your own damn mind. That's why you have one. (source)

Follow me: @06_taro

帖子: 15
注册时间: 2012-04-09 0:09
联系: ICQ

Re: TS源压制求助

感谢各位大大帮忙,我学到了不少东西,我的确选了force film,难怪会变成19fps,不过我现在人在学校,不能测试,等放学回家再测试
帖子: 15
注册时间: 2012-04-09 0:09
联系: ICQ

Re: TS源压制求助

帖子: 640
注册时间: 2010-10-10 20:00
来自: US
联系: 网站

Re: TS源压制求助

06_taro 写了:
-o-o-304-o-o- 写了: 这倒是,检测的未必准,不过只要DG检测大部分是film型的话,在有二次QC保障(或者pp地图炮)的情况下,直接勾上force film不需要处理就能压了吧

@LZ 昨晚搞错源了囧,您给的那个连接下载不能,麻烦能切一段然后传个115么……
就算和檢測出來的一樣確實是100%也不能輕易force film。

force film的唯一適用場合是soft telecine,這種情況下源內保存的是24p的內容加上pulldown的flag,播放時是先正常地做pulldown將內容變成五爛二,然後各個播放器再根據自己的方式做ivtc或者deint。對壓制來說,只要跳過flag不做pulldown就可以得到未動過的24p直接去壓。

但是TS很多都是hard telecine,源內容是telecine過之後按照field based壓制的30i,所以不可以通過忽視pulldown flag來省略IVTC處理。而且對TS/m2ts/vob來說,一個文件內一段soft telecine一段hard telecine再一段30i這種vfr都是允許的,所以直接force film比較不保險。

另一方面,即使不是TS而是DVDISO,由於11區的製作很混亂,有時候明明是全片soft telecine,本來應該是全progressive的幀序列內仍然有時會有一兩幀interlaced混進去,相比之下honor pulldown flag然後再過一遍IVTC對這種糞製作來說更加保險。

LZ現在的做法,個人推測是DGIndex裡選擇了force film,導致mpeg2dec出來的是24/1.001fps的,頂樓裡是經過TFM和TDecimate(mode=6)出來的完全不正確的內容,而之後修改的經過TFM+Tdecimate則變成了(24/1.001)*(4/5)=19.18fps了。正確的做法是在DGIndex裡honor pulldown flag,而在avs裡用Mpeg2dec載入之後,如果是全片film則直接TFM.TDecimate,如果是hybrid則把原來腳本裡的TDecimate(mode=6, ...)改成TDecimate(mode=5, ...)就行了。至於TFM裡的mode、clip2之類的處理僅僅影響結果質量,可以根據情況自己調整。而其他處理的畫面質量問題和本帖主題無關就不討論了。
順便貼一個mod版的QTGMC。原版的QTGMC裡deflicker用的是MC後的dfttest或者fft3dfilter,速度太慢了。這個mod版裡可以用QTGMC(denoiser="fft3dgpu")這樣的參數來用fft3dgpu作為MC denoiser,速度快一些。具體地說就是denoiser="dfttest"時用內置的dfttest模板(dfttest參數可省略),denoiser="fft3dfilter"時用內置的fft3dfilter模板(fft3dfilter參數可省略),denoiser="fft3dgpu"時用內置的fft3dgpu模板(fft3dgpu參數可省略)。如果denoiser的字符串不是這三種的話則使用Eval(denoiser)的方式,譬如denoiser="TTempSmoothF(strength=1)"就是用TTempSmoothF(strength=1)作為MC的denoiser核心。當然如果仍然想使用dfttest/fft3dfilter/fft3dgpu但是不想用內部模板的參數的話,也可以用denoiser="fft3dgpu(sigma=2, bt=4)"這樣的方式,反正只要字符串不是"dfttest"/"fft3dfilter"/"fft3dgpu"的話就是Eval的方式。
嗯,确实honor pulldown flags是个稳妥的选择,交给TFM判断的话确实比单纯DG扫film率要靠谱的多…


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帖子: 998
注册时间: 2010-09-22 18:32
来自: United Kingdom
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Re: TS源压制求助

vinvsere其實不能算是deinterlacer,最多算是個簡單的基於blur的local combing remover,只不過做了contra-sharpening所以看起來好像副作用沒想像得強而已……

I, personally, for me, believe (obviously sometimes) that my OS choice is right. That's me. I'm not telling you that you should believe it. Learn the facts, and the origins behind the facts, and make up your own damn mind. That's why you have one. (source)

Follow me: @06_taro

帖子: 214
注册时间: 2010-09-20 22:09

Re: TS源压制求助

帖子: 640
注册时间: 2010-10-10 20:00
来自: US
联系: 网站

Re: TS源压制求助

06_taro 写了:vinvsere其實不能算是deinterlacer,最多算是個簡單的基於blur的local combing remover,只不過做了contra-sharpening所以看起來好像副作用沒想像得強而已……
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帖子: 640
注册时间: 2010-10-10 20:00
来自: US
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Re: TS源压制求助

cunhan 写了:而且,有方法可以完美tfm,为什么还要vinverse呢。
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帖子: 998
注册时间: 2010-09-22 18:32
来自: United Kingdom
联系: 网站

Re: TS源压制求助

我說的那種24p純film+pulldown flag的流中混入的交錯幀是指一般honor之後不開PP就可以完美匹配的,純屬11區不知道怎麼搞混進去的被pulldown後的東西而非30i編輯的產物,譬如99.8%的24p soft telecine裡混入了0.2%的24t hard telecine這種奇葩。否則就不是混入的而是hybrid了…

I, personally, for me, believe (obviously sometimes) that my OS choice is right. That's me. I'm not telling you that you should believe it. Learn the facts, and the origins behind the facts, and make up your own damn mind. That's why you have one. (source)

Follow me: @06_taro

帖子: 640
注册时间: 2010-10-10 20:00
来自: US
联系: 网站

Re: TS源压制求助

06_taro 写了:不ovr敢開PP麼…
我說的那種24p純film+pulldown flag的流中混入的交錯幀是指一般honor之後不開PP就可以完美匹配的,純屬11區不知道怎麼搞混進去的被pulldown後的東西而非30i編輯的產物,譬如99.8%的24p soft telecine裡混入了0.2%的24t hard telecine這種奇葩。否則就不是混入的而是hybrid了…
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