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滤镜 简介 颜色空间
AviSource / AviFileSource / OpenDMLSource 打开AVI文件。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
DirectShowSource 通过DirectShow打开媒体文件。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ImageReader / ImageSource 通过读取图片创建剪辑。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ImageWriter 将视频帧保存为图片。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Import 在当前脚本中导入另一个AVS脚本。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
SegmentedAviSource / SegmentedDirectShowSource 自动序列导入最多100个视频文件。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
WavSource 打开WAV文件或打开AVI文件中的音轨。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24



滤镜 简介 颜色空间
ColorYUV 此滤镜用于独立地调节色度和亮度。 YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ConvertBackToYUY2 此滤镜用于将一段RGB格式视频转换回YUY2格式。 RGB24, RGB32
ConvertToRGB 此滤镜用于将视频转换成RGB32格式,除非源已是RGB24格式。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ConvertToRGB24 / ConvertToRGB32 / ConvertToYUY2 / ConvertToY8 / ConvertToYV411 / ConvertToYV12 / ConvertToYV16 / ConvertToYV24 此滤镜将视频转换成 RGB24 / RGB32 / YUY2 / Y8 / YV411 / YV12 / YV16 (YUY2的平面版) / YV24 (完整YUV)。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
FixLuminance 此滤镜用于校正垂直亮度分量的漂移。 YUY2
GreyScale 此滤镜用于将视频转换成灰阶形式。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Invert 此滤镜用于翻转所选色彩通道的颜色。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Levels 此滤镜用于调整黑电平(blacklevel)和白电平(whitelevel)的数值,该滤镜也可以调整视频的Gamma值。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Limiter 此滤镜将视频中像素的色度亮度数值限制到CCIR-601标准的范围内。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
MergeARGB / MergeRGB 此滤镜可以将每个输入的视频中选择一个颜色通道并将它们整合。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
MergeChroma / MergeLuma 此滤镜可以将一个视频剪辑的色度/亮度合并到另一个视频中。有一个可选参数用于调整权重,也就是说可以自由分配两段视频的色度/亮度在新视频中所占的百分比。 YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Merge 此滤镜可以将一个视频剪辑的亮度和色度合并到另一个视频中。有一个可选参数用于调整权重,也就是说可以自由分配两段视频的亮度和色度在新视频中所占的百分比。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
RGBAdjust 此滤镜用于独立地改变视频中的每个色彩通道。 RGB24, RGB32
ShowAlpha / ShowRed / ShowGreen / ShowBlue 此滤镜用于显示(A)RGB格式视频中被选择的色彩通道。 RGB24, RGB32
SwapUV 此滤镜用于交换一个视频的色度通道。 YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24 ?
Tweak 此滤镜用于调整色彩、饱和度、亮度和对比度。 YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
UToY / VToY 将色度平面U/V的信息复制到Y平面。(图像尺寸会缩小一半) YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
UToY8 / VToY8 UToY.ConvertToY8 / VToY.ConvertToY8的简化形式 YUY2, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
YToUV 此滤镜将指定两段视频中的亮度通道为新视频的U、V通道。新视频的图像尺寸变为源的两倍,亮度降为源的一半。如需增加亮度值,请使用MergeLuma滤镜。 YUY2, YV12 ?


These filters can be used to layer clips with or without using masks and to create masks.

滤镜 简介 颜色空间
ColorKeyMask Sets the alpha-channel (similar as Mask does) but generates it by comparing the color. RGB32
Layer 此滤镜用于层叠(Layering)两段视频。 RGB32, YUY2
Mask Applies an alpha-mask to a clip. RGB32
MaskHS This filter returns a mask (as Y8) of clip using a given hue and saturation range. YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Overlay 此滤镜将一段视频交叠在另一段已知视频上,可以选择交叠图像的偏移量,也可以选择不同的交叠方法。另外,还可以设置交叠视频的透明度。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ResetMask Applies an "all-opaque" alpha-mask to clip. RGB32
Subtract Produces an output clip in which every pixel is set according to the difference between the corresponding pixels. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16 (?), YV24



滤镜 简介 颜色空间
AddBorders 此滤镜在图像四周添加黑边 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Crop 此滤镜用于裁剪每帧图像四周的超量像素。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
CropBottom 此滤镜用于裁剪每帧图像下部的超量像素。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
FlipHorizontal / FlipVertical 此滤镜用于左右/上下翻转图像。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Letterbox 此滤镜仅用于将每帧视频的上下部分(亦可选左右部分)黑化。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
HorizontalReduceBy2 / VerticalReduceBy2 / ReduceBy2 此滤镜将每帧图像的水平/垂直或两者尺寸缩小一半。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
BicubicResize / BilinearResize / BlackmanResize / GaussResize / LanczosResize / Lanczos4Resize / PointResize / SincResize / Spline16Resize / Spline36Resize / Spline64Resize 这些滤镜使用不同的采样算法将输入视频的分辨率调整到任意指定大小。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
TurnLeft / TurnRight / Turn180 将视频顺时针/逆时针旋转90° RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24



滤镜 简介 颜色空间
Blur / Sharpen 这是一个简易的基于3x3卷积核矩阵的柔化/锐化滤镜。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
GeneralConvolution 此滤镜用于生成3x3或5x5的卷积矩阵。 RGB32
SpatialSoften / TemporalSoften 这两个滤镜分别使用空间/时间选择合并像素方式除去视频剪辑中的噪点。 YUY2 (SpatialSoften), Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
FixBrokenChromaUpsampling 使用免费版本的Canpus DV Codec v1.00采集的视频会存在不正确的提高色度通道采样率的问题(虽然新的非免费版本不存在此问题),此滤镜的作用是为了补偿不正确的色度值已恢复原效果。 YUY2



滤镜 简介 颜色空间
AlignedSplice / UnalignedSplice 此滤镜用于将两段或多段视频前后相接成一段视频。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
AssumeFPS / AssumeScaledFPS / ChangeFPS / ConvertFPS 这些滤镜采用不同方式改变帧率。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
DeleteFrame 此滤镜用于删除参数所指定的单帧。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Dissolve 此滤镜的作用与AlignedSplice类似,不同的是此滤镜整合后的视频允许有交叠。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
DuplicateFrame 此滤镜用于复制参数所指定的单帧。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
FadeIn0 / FadeIn / FadeIn2 / FadeOut0 / FadeOut / FadeOut2 / FadeIO0 / FadeIO / FadeIO2 FadeInFadeOut 滤镜可以让视频在开头和结尾处产生线性淡入淡出效果。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
FreezeFrame 此滤镜用于替换所选区域内的所有帧(闭区间)。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Interleave 此滤镜基于帧对帧方式交织一组视频中的各帧。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Loop 此滤镜根据设定的次数循环指定段的视频。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Reverse 此滤镜用于倒放一段视频。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
SelectEven / SelectOdd 此滤镜用于输出一段视频的偶数/奇数帧。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
SelectEvery 此滤镜输出指定时间段内的视频,是诸如SelectEvenSelectOdd滤镜的一般化形式。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
SelectRangeEvery 此滤镜用于输出选择特定时间区间内的指定帧。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Trim 此滤镜用于剪切并生成选择帧区间内的视频。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24


以下滤镜用于创建和处理基于场格式的视频素材(由于基于帧格式的素材被拆成了场格式而产生的)。虽然AviSynth能处理逐行和交错视频,但主要问题是它经常不能分辨从源滤镜获得视频剪辑的形式。这就是场标志(Field-based Flag)存在并被用于处理交错视频素材的原因。关于场格式视频的更多信息请参见[Interlaced and Field-based video|here]。

滤镜 简介 颜色空间
AssumeFrameBased / AssumeFieldBased AviSynth会自动判断视频是基于场格式的还是基于帧格式的。这些滤镜用于将某段视频强制识别为场格式或帧格式。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
AssumeBFF / AssumeTFF 此滤镜强制指定场序。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Bob 此滤镜用于将一段视频进行Bob解交错(Bob-deinterlaceing)。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ComplementParity 此滤镜用于对场(适用于场格式field-based视频)或帧(适用于帧格式frame-based视频)进行位置求补(上部元素和下部元素交换位置)。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
DoubleWeave 此滤镜工作方式类似于Weave滤镜,不同点在于此滤镜用合并奇数和偶数对场的方式生成了两倍与Weave滤镜的帧数量。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
PeculiarBlend 此滤镜用特殊方式合成相邻两帧。 YUY2
Pulldown 此滤镜简单地将每5帧中的2帧从源视频中去掉。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
SeparateFields 此滤镜将帧格式视频中的每帧所包含的两个场分离成两个独立的视频。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
SwapFields 此滤镜将一个交错帧中的两个场进行空间位置交换。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Weave 此滤镜从已分离场的输入视频中选取奇数编号的场,并将其合并生成交错帧。 RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24


These filters can be used to process audio. Audio samples from a clip will be automatically converted if any filters requires a special type of sample. This means that if a filter doesn't support the type of sample it is given, it will automatically convert the samples to something it supports. The internal formats supported in each filter is listed in the sample type column. A specific sample type can be forced by using the ConvertAudio functions.

If the sample type is float, when AviSynth has to output the data, it will be converted to 16 bit, since float cannot be passed as valid AVI data.

滤镜 简介 Sample type
Amplify / AmplifydB Amplify multiply audio samples by amount. 16 bit, Float
AssumeSampleRate Adjusts the playback speed of the audio. All
AudioDub / AudioDubEx AudioDub takes the video stream from the first argument and the audio stream from the second argument and combines them. AudioDubEx is similar, but it doesn't throw an exception if both clips don't have a video or audio stream. All
ConvertAudioTo8bit / ConvertAudioTo16bit / ConvertAudioTo24bit / ConvertAudioTo32bit / ConvertAudioToFloat Converts audio samples to 8/16/24/32/Float bits. All
ConvertToMono Merges all audio channels. 16 bit, Float
DelayAudio Delays the audio track by second seconds. All
EnsureVBRMP3Sync Corrects out-of-sync MP3-AVI's, when seeking or trimming. All
GetChannel / GetLeftChannel / GetRightChannel Returns an audio channel from a clip. All
KillAudio / KillVideo Removes the audio or video from a clip completely. All
MergeChannels Merges channels of two audio clips. All
MixAudio Mixes audio from two clips. 16 bit, Float
MonoToStereo Converts two mono signals to one stereo signal. 16 bit, Float
Normalize Amplifies the entire waveform as much as possible, without clipping. 16 bit, Float
ResampleAudio Performs a high-quality change of audio sample rate. 16 bit
SuperEQ High quality 16 band sound equalizer. Float
SSRC Very high quality samplerate conversion. Float
TimeStretch This filter can change speed of the sound without changing the pitch, and change the pitch of a sound without changing the length of a sound. Float

Conditional and other meta filters

Meta filters can be used to control other filters execution. The basic characteristic of conditional filters is that 'their scripts' are evaluated (executed) at every frame instead of the whole clip. This allows for complex video processing that would be difficult or impossible to be performed by a normal AviSynth script.

滤镜 简介 颜色空间
ConditionalFilter / FrameEvaluate / ScriptClip ConditionalFilter returns source1 if some condition is met, otherwise it returns source2. ScriptClip/FrameEvaluate returns the clip which is returned by the function evaluated on every frame. YUY2 ?, YV12
ConditionalReader ConditionalReader allows you to import information from a text file, with different values for each frame - or a range of frames. YUY2 ?, YV12
WriteFile / WriteFileIf / WriteFileStart / WriteFileEnd These filters evaluate expressions and output the results to a text-file. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24 ?
Animate / ApplyRange Animate (ApplyRange) is a meta-filter which evaluates its parameter filter with continuously varying (the same) arguments. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24 ?
TCPServer / TCPSource This filter will enable you to send clips over your network. You can connect several clients to the same machine. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24

Debug filters

滤镜 简介 颜色空间
BlankClip / Blackness This filter produces a solid color, silent video clip of the specified length (in frames). RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
ColorBars This filter produces a video clip containing SMPTE color bars scaled to any image size. RGB32, YUY2, YV12
Compare Compares two clips and prints out information about the differences. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, YV12
Histogram Adds a histogram. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Info Prints out image and sound information. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
MessageClip Produces a clip containing a text message. RGB32
ShowFiveVersions Takes five video clips and combines them in a staggered arrangement from left to right. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16 (?), YV24
ShowFrameNumber / ShowSMPTE / ShowTime Draws text on every frame indicating what number AviSynth thinks it is. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
StackHorizontal / StackVertical Takes two or more video clips and displays them together in left-to-right/up-to-down order. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Subtitle Adds a single line of anti-aliased text to a range of frames. RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, Y8, YV411, YV12, YV16, YV24
Tone This will generate sound. Float
Version Generates a video clip with a short version and copyright statement. RGB24